Affirmations are positive statements used to encourage positive thinking, improve mental resilience and counteract negative thoughts.

Affirmations are positive statements used to encourage positive thinking, improve mental resilience and counteract negative thoughts.

Affirmations are positive statements used to encourage positive thinking, improve mental resilience and counteract negative thoughts.


Affirmations Improve Emotional Resilience

Positive affirmations help individuals cope with emotional challenges by reinforcing their sense of self-worth and self-competence.

Reference: Cascio, et. al. (2016).


Personalized Affirmations Increase Effectiveness

Personalized affirmations are more effective and create a stronger emotional connection, as they are directly relevant to the individual’s values and experiences, leading to greater internalization, impact, and motivation.

Reference: G. L. Cohen, et. al (2014).


Personalized Affirmations Increase Effectiveness

Personalized affirmations are more effective and create a stronger emotional connection, as they are directly relevant to the individual’s values and experiences, leading to greater internalization, impact, and motivation.

Reference: G. L. Cohen, et. al (2014).


Personalized Affirmations Increase Effectiveness

Personalized affirmations are more effective and create a stronger emotional connection, as they are directly relevant to the individual’s values and experiences, leading to greater internalization, impact, and motivation.

Reference: G. L. Cohen, et. al (2014).


Improved Self-Confidence

Affirmations boost self-efficacy, particularly among individuals feeling powerless, by improving their belief in their ability to succeed.

Reference: L. Warlop, et. al (2019).

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